We advocate for your business needs
Since 1886, through our Advocacy, the EMA has put the needs of our Members in front of politicians and powerbrokers to enact meaningful change.
Our advocacy work
(July 2023 - June 2024)
We are your champion by advocating for:
We’re on the side of business and push for legislation and policies that will have a positive impact on you. Our Advocacy experts liaise directly with Government and key officials to get the employer voice heard and impact outcomes and engage with media to raise awareness.
Employment Relations
We advocate for balanced employment relations that promote growth and productivity in the workforce and simplify regulatory requirements for businesses.
Health and Safety
We advocate for an overhaul of health and safety regulations to ensure they are practical, effective and reduce harm.
We advocate for policies that boost productivity by encouraging foreign investment, enhancing infrastructure funding, and fast-tracking critical projects.
Education and Skills
We advocate for an education and skills strategy that aligns with industry needs by overhauling the VET system and fostering better engagement between schools and employers.
We advocate for immigration policies that attract the right skills to New Zealand to support a more dynamic and diverse workforce.
Manufacturing and export
We advocate for the reduction of harm in manufacturing and the development of bilateral agreements among nations.
Employment Relations
Health and Safety
Education and Skills
Manufacturing and export
How we engage with our Members
Member briefings
Our thrice-yearly in-person briefings provide an expert update on the economy & employment relations legislation and happen regionally.
Policy forums
Our free policy forums connect you with Government ministers and local officials, with exclusive Q&A opportunities.
Member meetings
We hold one-on-one meetings with Member businesses, ensuring we are up to date with the issues they are facing.
Advocacy newsletter
A monthly newsletter to brief you on current legislation and offer upcoming opportunities for consultations or focus groups.
How we engage with the Government
Formal submissions on legislative change:
We outline our stance on proposed legislation, providing business insights & practical implications.
Consultation on non-legislative issues:
Through meetings, surveys & written feedback, to helps shape policies, guidelines & initiatives.
Presenting to the select committee:
We frequently get the opportunity to present our submissions to select committees.
Discussion with officials and ministers:
Meetings and forums with stakeholders to present specific issues, policies or economic concerns.
Members of industry advisory panels:
Ensuring continuous input from industry experts on policymaking, fostering informed governance.
Our upcoming advocacy work
Legislative work | What this means for New Zealand businesses | When this work is likely to occur |
Employment Relations: Definitions of Contractors | This definition is an additional gateway test to agree what makes a contractor in the workplace bringing more certainty for employers and contractors. | Will be part of an Employment relations Amendment Bill in 2025 |
Employment Relations: Holidays Act | May finally see the problematic Holidays Act moved to an accrual model taking the complexity out of the Act for member. | Legislation early in 2025 following selected organisation consultation on the Exposure draft in September/October 2025. |
Health and Safety: ACC Levy Consultation | Every 3 years ACC consults on the next 3 years ACC levy rates. These rates cover, the Work account (for work related injuries). The Earners account for non-work injuries, Motor Vehicle account for traffic accident injuries. Included also are several ACC settings that underpin the scheme. This year the average levy rate is proposed to increase by 4%. | Consultation closed on the 9th Oct, EMA made a submission. Changes will occur 2025 in the next financial year. |
Health and Safety: Legislation Review | The Government (Min Brooke van Veldon) embarked on a national roadshow to find out what business and employees thought of the Health and Safety at Work Act and supporting regulations. The feedback has reinforced that the Act is largely fine however the regulations and other supporting documents are out of date, not there and not that helpful. | Any changes will require new Bills and public debates, so changes are not likely until late 2025 or even later. Supporting documents, guideline etc. may be earlier. EMA has consulted widely within our membership and will prepare a submission due Oct 31st. |
Health and Safety: Regulations | When the current Act was passed into law (2015) there was to be accompanying Regulations. These never got past the draft stage, however, looks to be on the Government's upcoming agenda. | Given some Drafts do exist there may well be some early movement on this plus a new suite of more specific regulation (sector relevant) plus other guidance material. The time frame for this is likely to be mid 2025 or after. |
Infrastructure: Finance and Funding | Crown Infrastructure Partners will become the National Infrastructure Agency and partner with crown and local body entities to advise and provide expertise on alternative funding and financing for major projects. | Will enable infrastructure projects to go ahead faster by using alternatives to central and local government funding to get projects underway. |
Infrastructure: National Infrastructure Agency Establishment | Establishing this agency will go some way to giving certainty to our national infrastructure programme by procuring projects to the priorities set in the Infrastructure Commission's 30-year plan. | Should establish a more certain pipeline of large-scale infrastructure projects so members can plan their bids and workforces appropriately. |
RMA: Fast Track | This Bill will set the conditions and the decision-making process for large-scale infrastructure projects seeking consents to get underway quickly. | Should be in place by end of 2024. |
RMA: Bill Two | RMA 2 is the second RMA update and is looking at clarifying coastal policy and making it easier for housing projects to go ahead with clearer national standards set across the country. | End 2024/early 2025. |
Skills: Vocational Education System Reform | This reform will split out all the Polytechnics and Industry Training Organisations out of Te Pūkenga back into regional delivery and decision making. Industry engagement is crucial to ensure our domestic training system can deliver quality learners. | Initial consultation closed in September; the Minister is expected to put options to Cabinet by the end of the year. |
Immigration: Residence Visa Pathways | Both the Skilled Migrant Category and the Green List residence pathways are important to attract much needed skills and give certainty to migrants that they can settle in NZ. | This is roughly signalled to be looked at early 2025. |
Immigration: AEWV Review | The Accredited Employer Work Visa is our main work visa category, and changes are being considered around the accreditation requirements and benefits, median wage threshold, labour market testing and many more. | Consultation closes with MBIE 11th October, then further direction expected from the Minister by the end of the year. |
Small Business Priorities Review | This ongoing work in being led by Minister Bayly to clear regulation and set priorities to help small businesses become more efficient and productive. | End/2024/early 2025. |
Transport: Congestion Charging | Auckland is likely to be the first city to be allowed to introduce a charging system that will make moving freight and people around the city more certain at peak times. | Work beginning now but not likely to be implemented pre-2026. |
Transport: Public Works Act | Acquiring land for major projects can be a difficult and costly process. Changes to the Act will work with the new RMA legislation to make the process of acquiring land more straightforward for allowing projects to go ahead and clearer for those whose land may be acquired. | 1st October 2024 - 1st April 2025. |
Meet the team that takes your voice to the top

Alan McDonald
Alan McDonald
Head of Advocacy
Head of Advocacy
Focus areas: Economy, Infrastructure, RMA, Transport
Contact: alan.mcdonald@ema.co.nz

Joanna Hall
Joanna Hall
Senior Policy Advisor
Senior Policy Advisor
Focus areas: Immigration, Education, Skills, Infrastructure
Contact: joanna.hall@ema.co.nz

Paul Jarvie
Paul Jarvie
Employment Relations and Safety Advocate
Employment Relations and Safety Advocate
Focus areas: Employment Relations, Health and Safety, ACC, Ageing Workforce
Contact: paul.jarvie@ema.co.nz
Not an EMA Member?
Join the EMA to have your voice heard.
Your unapologetic champion through advocacy
Feeling like a drop in a bucket? Not at the EMA. Our numbers and years are our strength. Since 1886, through our Advocacy, the EMA has put the needs of our Members in front of politicians and powerbrokers to enact meaningful change.
We’re committed to fueling Kiwi ambition and carrying the torch for decisions that improve competitiveness, economic resilience, and growth for our Member businesses and the wider New Zealand economy.

Taking your voice straight to the top
We’re on the side of business and push for legislation and policies that will have a positive impact on you. Our Advocacy experts liaise directly with Government and key officials to get the employer voice heard and impact outcomes and engage with media to raise awareness.
- Topics we advocate on: RMA reform, employment relations, immigration, infrastructure, economy, manufacturing and export, health and safety, sustainability, skills, workforce, education and international and commercial law and many more.
- How do we engage with Members: Member Briefings, policy forums, events, surveys, social media and the Employer Bulletin and direct feedback.
- How do we engage with Government: formal submissions on legislative change, consultation on non-legislative issues, discussions with officials and ministers, advisory panels.
A nationwide network
We work with our wider network partners –BusinessNZ, Business Central, Business Canterbury, Business South & ExportNZ – which represent over 76,000 New Zealand businesses as we develop policies and advocate for or against change.
With offices in Auckland, Whangārei, Rotorua, Tauranga and Hamilton we have a strong regional reach to support our national work, where we use the voice of our members and our experienced people to influence change.

Meet the Advocacy Team

Head of Advocacy
Focus areas: Economy, Infrastructure and RMA
Contact: alan.mcdonald@ema.co.nz

Senior Policy Advisor
Focus areas: Immigration, Education, Skills and Infrastructure
Contact: joanna.hall@ema.co.nz

Manager Employment Relations and Safety Advocate
Focus areas: Employment Relations, Health and Safety and ACC
Contact: paul.jarvie@ema.co.nz