Become an EMA Member

Our Services

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Lighting the path
for business

EMA membership arms you with knowledge, wisdom, and connections, so you can shape your future, your way.

We stoke the fire of belief and determination in our Member businesses and provide the counsel, education and development for levelling up understanding and expertise.

Mauri mahi, mauri ora – through industry we prosper.

EMA Membership
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EMA Member benefits

Work the room. Connect with movers, shakers, and decision-makers at our exclusive Member Briefings, political forums and events.

Build teams of experts. Our Learning courses have the compliance you need, the skills you want, and the career pathways that will change your life.

Top of the line. Call our free AdviceLine on 0800 300 362 to access our team of locally-based expert advisers for sound employment advice. This number is your gateway to all Member services – and our expert team are there as often as you need.

We’ve got your back. New Zealand’s largest employment law team can represent, mediate, advise and consult at special Member-only rates.

Resources from the source. Legislation guides, tools, templates and policies, updated regularly.

Weighing in on weighty issues. New laws? Change in Government? You won’t have to guess our perspective – and you’ll be the first to hear it.

You’re the voice. Our tenacious advocacy work puts your business needs in front of those who need to know.

EMA Membership

Calculate your annual EMA membership cost

Our membership rates are based upon your business’ total gross payroll. Find out how much your subscription rate will be by calling us on 0800 300 362.

*All subscription rates exclude GST

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